Friday 23 March 2007

T is for Togrog Mongolian Currency

Having lived in Indonesia we had been used to thinking of money in Rupiah (rp) the Indonesian currency. Usually 7000rp equalled one Australian dollar.
In Mongolia the currency is called "Togrog" (T) which comes in 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 and 20000 notes. Usually T1000 equals $1 US dollar. There are no coins used here now all the money comes in note form so T5, T10, T20, T50 are all worth less then a dollar. It is a little hard getting used to and I seem to have my purse full of small valued notes, I am forever trying to clean out my purse of the notes that are not worth much. I do miss the coins from Australia, easy to handle then the small value notes here.
I have received emails asking "What is the cost of food?". Food items here I find seem to be a bit more expensive then Australia and if you want to buy any items that are from overseas you are usually paying top dollar as they are usually in larger packets. Here are some examples of different types of food item prices: cake mix from the US is about $6 dollars, chili sauce $4, bread $2, 375ml soft drink $1, large packet of corn chips $5, chicken soup $3. Most of the ladies will buy two of everything when shopping as you never know when items will be back in stock again once sold out.

Pictures: Samples of two notes

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