Sunday 6 January 2008

News Found Only In Mongolia

Four Expats walk into a pub in UB and say to the waitress "I would like to order two beers, two glasses of white wine". The waitress replies "Sorry no alcohol can be sold today". The expat asks "Why, is it a public holiday or something?" The waitress says "No the police have stopped us serving alcohol". The stunned Expats couldn't make sense of it until the manager explain things further.
The story goes on the 31st of December eleven people died and dozens of others were poisoned by tainted vodka that was produced by a company located in Baganuur, a satellite district town of Ulaanbaatar. Six hundred litres of material was sold to a company here in Mongolia and they used the material to make vodka. According to conclusion by the Professional Inspection Agency, the bottled vodka was made of a methanol alcoholic spirit that was not for human consumption, but for industrial purpose.
Due to the deaths the Police have ordered that all alcohol to be stop being sold until around the 20th of January. All the shops and bars have either covered over the alcohol or taken the bottles off the shelves. The police where even checking shoppers bags to make sure no alcoholic products had been sold. Its amazing the reaction to this you would think that the police would stop only vodka being sold, but to have all sales of alcohol stopped is just so crazy. I am sure the crime rate will increase over the time the sales have been stopped as Mongolians sure do like their alcohol. There are over 40 vodka prducers in the city of Ulaanbaatar City so the police have begun a close investigation and examination of those vodka producers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bernie, Ben and Paige,

Looking cold over there hope you are rugged up nicely to keep warm, just don't touch that Vodka.

Take Care

Lynda & Xav