Sunday 10 October 2010

Getting Around Jakarta

A picture cut out from the local paper about traffic

There are many ways to get around Jakarta. We hire a driver and car as most expats do here.

But there are other forms of transport that can get you around Jakarta its just a matter of knowing where you want to go and how fast you want to get there.

A common sight are taxis. There are many taxi companies but the most common company is called "Blue Bird". The blue bird taxi you can find really anywhere and very common, the taxis are very clean and most drivers seem to know where you want to go. The next class of taxi which is called "Silver Bird" which also belongs to the blue bird group. You will find at most upmarket shopping mails these taxis are very nice and don't cost much more then catching a blue bird taxi. I have had to catch these taxis before which I have found OK to use.

Pictures: Left a blue bird taxi, right a silver bird taxi

The Bis (Bus)

Yet to catch one, there seems to be plenty around mostly very old ones that bellow smoke out the back. There are some very new ones around which you see on the rare occasion. I did read in the newspaper that out of about two thousand buses in Jakarta only thirty four of them are road worthy. These older buses seat about forty people.

Picture: A Bis (bus)

The Ojek

Which is a motor bike taxi which you will find on most corners. Anyone can be an ojek driver, you also ask the price before jumping on the bike. Most of the times this is the quickest way to get around if you are in a hurry.

The Bajaj
Seats about two passengers, you usually find them scattered throughout Jakarta. I have caught one when I haven't had to go far. It is best to ask the price before getting in for your trip. They seem to run on a two stroke fuel mixture that also bellows smoke out of the back.

Picture: A Bajaj

The Becak

You will usually find in the local areas where the larger buses usually don't go. These becaks are usually used by children going to school, bringing people from the markets and just anyone who doesn't feel like walking in their local area. The price is always agreed on before you hop in for the ride.

Picture: Two men waiting with their becaks

Picture: A becak rider on the road

The Angkot

They are every where you go. The vain of my existence. The Angkot is a mini van that picks people up anywhere on the road if you signal them to stop. There are different coloured angkots that have different locations which they travel too. They block the traffic and the drivers all seemed to live in their own little world and think they own the roads.

Picture: An Angkot

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