Friday 11 April 2008

The Last Blog From Mongolia

We came, we saw and experienced Mongolia, the good parts and bad. Would we do it again? Definately........................

This blog is our last from Mongolia as we are about to head onto our next location in a different country. For those people who don't know we are moving to Hanoi in Vietnam. Ben has accepted a new position as Chief Geologist with Ban Phuc Nickel.
The last couple of weeks we have been saying our goodbyes to our friends here. We have been so lucky to have made some great friends, Mongolia would of been such a harder place to live with out our friends. Both Ben and I had farewell dinners which was lovely and we where so spoiled as we where given some lovely going away gifts.

Picture: Boroo Spousal Group Ladies at Bernadette's farewell dinner

Picture: The Geology Department and Friends at Ben's farewell dinner

Vietnam will mark our third country of living away from Australia. We are excited about the move. I think I have been really laid back I feel like a "old hand at moving". I don't really have any expectations on what to expect when we arrive in Hanoi. We visited there on holidays about two years ago so we kind of know what we are in for but like any place when you live somewhere other than holidaying it is a different experience.
Before we arrive in Hanoi we will be taking a bit of a break stopping in Rome and London for a holiday. We are all excited about these stops, Paige is looking forward to seeing where the Queen lives. Ben and I are looking forward to seeing some amazing sites and getting stuck into so yummy food, Ben can't wait to taste all the beers. I know it will be a time to reflect on our time in Mongolia and a time to get ourselves ready for the next installments of living in a different country but I am sure what ever happens we will take it as it comes.

Pictures: Warrior Costume given to Paige by the Geology Department

May the skies of Mongolia remain blue and the sunshine warm the hearts of the Mongolian people.

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