Thursday 13 December 2007

Back In Mongolia

Well what a shock to the system it has been getting back to Mongolia from our trip to Australia. Mongolia sure does tests you, the cold, the lack of colour and how the little things seem to chip away at your energy levels. Most people say it takes a bit of time to get back into the swing of things here once you been away for a while. Both Paige and I did bring colds back with us that we have found hard to shake.

It has been a while since I did a blog as for those that don't know we had a break back in Australia. I found there wasn't enough time to see all my friends but I did try my best to catch up with most. I will be adding some snap shots on the blog once I finish getting them loaded up on the bog, it can take some time to do, so stay turned.

Paige fitted back into her preschool really good she was so excited to see her teachers and friends. Last Monday the two preschool classes went out to visit a plane which one of the company's has here. Turns out one of the pre-shool children's father works for the company and had arranged for the children to come and visit.

Photo: Pre-school classes - Paige is on the far left wearing green

There is only another week to go before Paige is on her school break so she is very excited that Santa will be coming soon. I am hoping for a white Christmas but at the moment the weather here is far too cold for snow -23, there is a bit of snow around but nothing that Paige could make a snow man out of. Fingers crossed it will snow.

January marks our fist twelve months here so at times I wonder where the time has gone but when one of those trying days happens I think "how am I going to make a another twelve months?" only time will tell. Well I hope my next blog installment will be a bit more up beat on life here in Mongolia.

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